

Odyssey by Kalexius is a brand of the Kalexius Group.

Your privacy is important to Kalexius. This Privacy Notice sets out how personal information is collected and handled to meet Kalexius’ data protection standards and comply with the law.

Kalexius comprises Kalexius SA, a Swiss company, and its subsidiary undertakings (referred to collectively as “Kalexius” or “we” or “our”). This notice applies to all Kalexius entities, and when mentioning Kalexius, we are referring to the relevant company in the Kalexius group responsible for processing your data. Kalexius SA is the controller responsible for this website.

We have appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO). Please contact us at if you have questions about this privacy notice.

Types of data we collect and use

We may collect and process different types of personal information in the course of operating our business and providing our services. These include:

  • Basic data (identifiers), such as your name, your employer, your title or position;
  • Contact data, such as your physical address, email address and phone number;
  • Financial data, such as bank account details;
  • Website usage and other technical data, such as your IP address and other information collected from your visits to our website;
  • Identification and other background verification provided by you or collected by us as part of our client onboarding process (commercial information);
  • Personal data provided to us by or on behalf of our clients or employees or generated by us in the course of providing legal services, which may include special categories of data;
  • Recruitment related data such as your curriculum vitae, your education and employment history, details of professional memberships and other information relevant to potential recruitment to Kalexius;
  • Any other personal data which you may provide to us.


How we collect your data

As a legal service provider, we routinely receive personal information as part of our professional activities. We may collect your personal data:

  • As part of our client onboarding procedure;
  • When we provide legal services to you or your organization;
  • When you or your organization offer or provide services to us as vendor;
  • When you browse or interact with our website(s) or use any of our online services;
  • When you apply for a job with our organization;
  • When you email us or provide such data to us in other circumstances.


How we use your data

We only use your personal data where it is our legitimate interest to do so for the following purposes, in connection with our ordinary professional activities:

  • Contacting you and responding to your requests and enquiries;
  • Providing you with legal services, if you are or become a client, and otherwise dealing with you and administering the matters you instruct us on;
  • Entering into or carrying out contracts of various kinds;
  • Managing and securing the access to our offices, systems and online platforms;
  • Complying with court orders and other legal and regulatory requirements that we may be subject to, including anti-money laundering requirements;
  • Conducting our recruiting and selection process; and
  • For any purpose related to the foregoing or for any purpose for which you provided the personal data to Kalexius.

If you have given us your express consent, we may process your personal data for additional purposes. You may withdraw your consent at any time.

Additional purposes for which we may process your personal data may include:

  • Communicating with you with respect to legal developments, announcements, events and products and services which may be of interest to you;
  • Distributing surveys or marketing materials;
  • Any other purpose for which you have given consent.


How we share your data

Irrespective of how we obtain your personal information, it may be shared among all the offices within Kalexius for business, operational and marketing purposes. All of our offices at all times ensure a level of data protection at least as high as those required by the laws of Switzerland, the EU and US-federal or State level (e.g. California). We may also need to transfer personal data to third parties, including third parties based outside Switzerland, the EU or the US, for example (but not limited to) sub-contractors, other counsel and accountants and third parties involved in your matters.

Where we share or transfer your personal data, we do so in accordance with applicable data protection laws and take appropriate safeguards to ensure its integrity and protection. If we need to transfer or store your information outside the European Economic Area, we generally use the European Commission Standard Contractual Clauses as appropriate safeguard for such transfers.

We have never sold and will never sell any of your personal data for money.


How we protect your data

We take appropriate technical and organizational measures against unauthorized or unlawful processing of your personal information and against accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to, your personal data in accordance with our internal security procedures covering its storage, access and destruction. Personal data may be stored on our own technology systems or those of our vendors.


How long we keep your data

We will retain your personal information as long as is necessary to fulfill the purpose for which the data was collected and any other permitted linked purpose or until you withdraw your consent, provided that we are not legally required or otherwise permitted to continue to hold such data. In particular, we may retain your personal data for an additional period of time to the extent that deletion would require us to overwrite our automated disaster recovery backup systems or to the extent that we deem it necessary to assert or defend legal claims during any relevant retention period. Our retention periods are also based on our business needs and good practice.


Website and use of cookies

As you navigate through and interact with our website, Kalexius may use automatic data collection technologies (e.g. Google Analytics) to collect certain information about your equipment, browsing actions and patterns, including details of your visits to our website, such as traffic and location data.

The information we collect automatically does not include identifiable personal information but may contain a client ID or an IP address. It helps us to improve our website and to deliver a better and more personalized service, including by enabling us to estimate our audience size and usage patterns, store information about your preferences and speed up your searches.

The technologies we use for this automatic data collection includes browser cookies. You may refuse to accept them by activating the appropriate setting on your browser. Unless you have adjusted your browser setting so that it will refuse cookies, our system will issue cookies when you direct your browser to our website.


Know your rights

In addition to your rights under applicable data protection legislation and, if we are permitted or required to do so under applicable laws and regulations and by our professional obligations, we are required and will provide you, upon request, with a copy of your personal information and correct any errors identified by you.

You have the right to restrict our processing of your personal data and to ask for rectification or deletion of your personal data.

You have the right to ask that we transfer the personal information you gave us to another organization, or to you, in certain circumstances.

You also have the right to lodge a complaint with supervisory authorities regarding the processing of your personal data. We will not be sending you marketing materials without your express consent and will also comply with any request to stop sending any such communications to you.

We do not use your data for any automated decision making or any profiling.

You are not required to pay any charge for exercising your rights. If you wish to make a request, please contact us at


To contact us

All requests, questions or comments regarding this policy or our handling of your personal information should be addressed to our Data Protection Officer at


Update to this Privacy Notice

This Privacy Notice was last updated in May 2024. We will update this Privacy Notice at least once every 12 months to reflect any material changes in applicable law, our privacy practices, or our services. Any amendment will be included in a new version of this Privacy Notice, posted on our website and will be effective upon posting.

Environmental, Social & Governance charter

This document provides for the environmental, social and governance commitments of Kalexius.

We are confident that investing into these aspects of our society constitute a major asset for the development of Kalexius, both internally, by promoting our activity as employer, and with our clients. These commitments are therefore firmly rooted at the heart of our business model.


Environmental Commitments

The activity of Kalexius is based on innovation and we pay attention to reconcile our business with the current environmental challenges.

To achieve this, our efforts include:

  • Minimizing both the printing of documents and the volume of data saved electronically;
  • Taking measures to reduce energy consumption within our premises;
  • Reducing the creation of waste (for example, by using washable dishes in our offices) and encouraging the development of recycling; and
  • Using service providers who also adopt an environmental commitment.


Social Commitments

Our employees are major assets of our development. With teams located in seven countries across four different continents, the diversity of our employees is a significant influencing factor of our performance.

In order to safeguard this asset, we strive to promote a responsible human resource management by working on the following aspects:

  • Fighting against all forms of discrimination and promoting cultural diversity;
  • Organizing regular trainings for our employees based on specific needs that we identify;
  • Conducting annual appraisal interviews and implementing a clear and motivating remuneration policy;
  • Optimizing the achievement of a healthy work-life balance and respect for the well-being of employees at work; and
  • Encouraging initiatives which foster good relationships within the organization.


Ethical Commitments

As a law firm in both Switzerland and France, Kalexius is subject to the code of ethics for lawyers and to the statutory duty of confidentiality. Moreover, we have implemented good corporate governance practices and are committed to the following:

  • Permanent availability for our customers and implementation of continuous improvement objectives;
  • Clear and specific reporting adapted to our client requirements;
  • Transparency with respect to internal management;
  • Absence of conflicts of interest;
  • Ethical approach to all matters and operations;
  • Fight against all forms of corruption;
  • Special care to cybersecurity; and
  • Compliance with data protection.


Diversity, Equity & Inclusion charter

Kalexius proudly operate a global network of offices that encompass a rich tapestry of diverse talents and backgrounds. Our unwavering dedication to diversity, equity, and inclusion is at the very core of our values.

We cherish the fact that our team members hail from various walks of life, identities, and experiences, and we hold these differences in high esteem. Embracing a diverse workforce is not just an aspiration, but a crucial element that propels us toward achieving our goals and fostering innovation. Our commitment lies in cultivating a workplace culture that empowers each individual to contribute their best work and reach their fullest potential.

Through this policy, we strive to craft an atmosphere in which every employee is not only seen and heard but truly valued for the unique perspectives they bring. Our belief in the significance of diversity goes far beyond mere rhetoric; it is ingrained in the very fabric of our organization. Equal opportunities for growth, development, and advancement in their careers are guaranteed for all team members, ensuring that each individual’s potential is nurtured and realized. Furthermore, we wholeheartedly pledge to maintain a workplace that is free from any form of discrimination, harassment, or bias.

At Kalexius, we envision a united workforce where everyone can authentically express their whole selves and thrive as they contribute to the success of our organization. Together, we create a vibrant and collaborative community that exemplifies the true power of diversity, equity, and inclusion in achieving greatness. Our collective commitment to this mission will not only transform our workplace but also create a positive ripple effect that resonates throughout our global community.


1. Diversity

We recognize that diversity encompasses all the unique qualities and experiences that make each of us different, and we strive to embrace and celebrate these differences. We are committed to creating a workplace that reflects the diversity of the communities we serve and to increasing diversity in all areas of our organization. We actively seek out and welcome diverse perspectives, experiences, and backgrounds when hiring, promoting, and working with employees.

2. Equity

We believe that every employee should have equal access to opportunities and resources, regardless of their background or identity. We are committed to creating a fair and equitable workplace where everyone has access to the tools and support, they need to succeed. We identify and address any systemic barriers that may prevent employees from reaching their full potential.

3. Inclusion

We believe that everyone should feel valued, respected, and supported in the workplace. We are committed to creating an inclusive environment where every employee feels comfortable bringing their whole selves to work, and where everyone’s voice is heard and respected. We provide training and resources to promote cultural competence, and we work to foster a culture of respect and collaboration. By celebrating the various cultural events, festivals, and traditions cherished by our employees, we come together as a united community, embracing the richness of our diverse heritage. By commemorating and respecting these events, we strengthen the bonds within our team and promote an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and appreciated.


Creating a diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace culture is a shared responsibility. Therefore, we define the roles and responsibilities of everyone in the organization, from senior leadership to individual employees, in creating and maintaining a DEI-focused workplace.

1. Comex

Our senior leadership team is responsible for leading by example and championing DEI initiatives and promoting a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion throughout the organization. They provide resources and support to employees and ensure that DEI goals are incorporated into the organization’s strategic plans.

2. Managers and Supervisors

Our managers and supervisors are responsible for ensuring that DEI goals are integrated into their departmental plans, and for providing training and support to their employees to promote a DEI-focused workplace.

3. Individual Employees

Every employee has a responsibility to contribute to the organization’s DEI efforts. This includes respecting and valuing diversity, being mindful of language and behaviors that may be offensive or exclusionary, and actively participating in DEI training and initiatives.


It is very important to build and maintain a diverse workforce that reflects the communities we serve and that brings a variety of perspectives and experiences to our organization. To achieve this, we employ the following strategies and tactics:

1. Recruitment & Retention

1.1. Expanding the Applicant Pool
We broaden our recruitment efforts to reach a wider range of candidates and sources, such as job boards and professional networks that cater to underrepresented groups. We also regularly review and revise our job descriptions and requirements to eliminate any unnecessary barriers or biases that may deter diverse applicants.

1.2. Partnering with Community Organizations
We partner with local and national organizations that serve diverse communities to promote our job openings and attract a more diverse pool of candidates. We also participate in job fairs and other events that target specific demographics or industries.

1.3. Creating Mentorship and Sponsorship Programs
We establish coaching programs to provide support and guidance to employees and help them navigate their career paths within the organization. These programs prioritize the development of those who may face additional barriers or challenges. We often consider pairing employees with mentors who have relevant expertise and experience.

1.4. Ensuring Equal Access to Advancement Opportunities
We monitor and evaluate our promotion and development processes to ensure that employees from all backgrounds have equal access to advancement opportunities. We conduct regular diversity audits of our workforce and leadership pipelines to identify and address any disparities or barriers that may exist.

2. Training & development

Promoting cultural competence, allyship, and inclusion requires ongoing education and training for all employees. Regular training sessions for all employees is important to increase awareness and understanding of issues related to diversity, equity, and inclusion. These sessions cover a range of topics, including unconscious bias, cultural humility, communication and conflict resolution, and allyship. They also provide practical tools and strategies for creating an inclusive workplace culture, enabling employees to share their experiences, cultural heritage, etc.

Specialized training for managers and supervisors helps them create and maintain an inclusive workplace culture. This training focuses on topics such as equitable hiring and promotion practices, creating inclusive teams, and managing diverse perspectives and communication styles. Ongoing support and resources for managers help them implement and reinforce inclusive practices within their teams.

Developing leadership development programs help employees advance into leadership positions. These programs provide targeted training and coaching to help employees build the skills and competencies needed to succeed in leadership roles. We provide opportunities for employees to participate in cross-functional projects and stretch assignments to broaden their skills and experience.

We have internal Teams channels to provide support and networking opportunities for employees who share common backgrounds, experiences, or identities. This also serves as a resource for the organization by providing feedback and insights on how to create a more inclusive workplace culture.

3. Metrics & reporting

We are committed to tracking and measuring our progress towards achieving our DEI goals. Therefore, we have established metrics to track our progress and regularly report on our progress to employees and stakeholders. These metrics include both quantitative and qualitative measures, such as:

3.1. Workforce Diversity
We track the diversity of our workforce at all levels, including representation of different races, ethnicities, genders, ages, and abilities. We also track our progress towards achieving specific diversity targets and benchmarks.

3.2. Employee Satisfaction via our HR barometer
We regularly survey employees to assess their satisfaction with our DEI initiatives and their experiences with inclusivity and equity in the workplace as part of our HR barometer survey. We use this feedback to identify areas for improvement and adjust our DEI strategies as necessary.

3.3. Retention Rates
We track our retention rates by demographic groups to identify any disparities and take steps to address them. We also monitor the impact of our DEI initiatives on employee turnover and retention rates.

3.4. Feedback from Employees and Stakeholders
We collect feedback from employees and stakeholders on their experiences with our DEI initiatives. This feedback helps us identify areas for improvement and ensure that our DEI strategies are effective and impactful.

3.5. Supplier Diversity
We track the diversity of our suppliers and contractors to ensure that we are partnering with businesses that share our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. For example, we avoid participation in all male panels.

3.6. Report on Progress
We report on our progress towards our DEI goals regularly through various channels, such as internal communications, company website, and public reports if necessary. We also use our reporting to celebrate our successes and share best practices with others who are committed to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion.


Any employee found to have violated this DEI policy will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. This includes but is not limited to discrimination, harassment, retaliation, or other behavior that undermines the principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Employees who witness or experience any violation of this policy are encouraged to report the incident to their supervisor or the HR department. Reports may be made anonymously, and retaliation against employees who report incidents in good faith is strictly prohibited.

All reported incidents will be taken seriously and will be investigated promptly and impartially. The investigation will be conducted in a confidential manner to the extent possible, and Kalexius will take appropriate action to address and prevent any further violations of this policy.


Kalexius commits to regularly evaluating and updating the DEI policy and associated practices to ensure that they remain relevant, effective, and aligned with the organization’s values and goals. Feedback from employees, stakeholders, and external experts shall be solicited to identify areas for improvement and implement changes accordingly. Such feedback shall be sought via our HR suggestion box, HR barometer, HR quarterly meetings and other surveys.


At Kalexius, we prioritize sustainable development across all dimensions, embedding it in our strategy, projects, and operations. Our commitment extends to becoming a benchmark in aligning with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as set forth by the United Nations.

These goals aim to create a more sustainable and equitable world by 2030, covering areas such as poverty, hunger, health, education, gender equality, clean water, affordable and clean energy, and more. By aligning with the SDGs, we affirm our dedication to contributing positively to these global objectives and promoting sustainable development on a broad scale.

This Supplier Code of Conduct serves as the foundation for enduring relationships with our suppliers, emphasizing our expectation that they, along with their suppliers, uphold these principles.

This Code of Conduct applies to all our suppliers while applying the concept of proportionality. We expect our largest suppliers to be exemplary on all aspects outlined in this code of conduct.


Kalexius places great emphasis on the pivotal role played by its dedicated employees that are engaged in the selection process and collaborate with suppliers. These individuals serve as the primary guardians, ensuring that our suppliers align with the expectations set out in our policy. Any concerns or issues encountered during this process shall be promptly discussed or reported to their respective managers, who will work together to find effective solutions.

It is the responsibility of Kalexius Management to ensure that the relevant employees are adequately trained and empowered to serve as the “1st line of defense.” This proactive stance allows for active monitoring of our suppliers’ ethical conduct, reinforcing our commitment to maintaining high standards throughout our supply chain.

Kalexius is firmly committed to supporting suppliers aiming to enhance their overall conduct, particularly in relation to smaller suppliers that face challenges in meeting these standards. By fostering a collaborative environment and helping where needed, we aim to promote ethical conduct across our entire network of suppliers.



• Prohibit discrimination based on race, gender, religion, nationality, age, disability, or any other protected characteristic.
• Prohibit workplace harassment and discriminatory practices, especially in recruitment, compensation, benefits, or dismissal.


• Prohibit the use of workers under 18 for hazardous or night work and under 15, except where local laws provide greater protection.
• Ensure no employee is forced to work against their will, using any form of coercion.
• Prohibit the confiscation of employee identity documents, ensuring immediate and automatic access.
• Ensure no recruitment costs are borne by an employee.


• Establish clear employment contracts.
• Provide fair wages, comply with maximum working hours, and ensure adequate rest.
• Document compliance with these requirements.


• Provide a safe workplace and, if accommodation is provided, ensure it meets safety and living space standards.
• Implement a comprehensive system, including risk analysis, preventive measures, monitoring, incident response plans, and periodic reviews.


• Allow employees to choose to join a collective bargaining organization.
• In restricted situations, ensure employees can participate in a dialogue regarding their collective work situation.


• Ensure workers can express complaints and concerns without fear of reprisal.



• Implement an energy efficiency management system.
• Continuously work to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from operations, products, and services.


• Limit the impact of industrial activities on air quality, water resources, and soil.
• Establish measurable environmental objectives and implement a risk management system.


• Efficiently use natural resources and reduce waste production.
• Apply the principles of “reduce, reuse, recycle, recover.”


• Avoid locating production sites in protected natural areas.
• Continuously reduce the impact on biodiversity by applying the Avoid-Reduce-Compensate mitigation hierarchy.



• Reject all forms of corruption, both active and passive, private and public.
• Combat fraud.
• Avoid conflicts of interest, particularly when personal interests may interfere with professional interests.


• Comply with the rules of applicable competition law.


• Establish trust through dialogue with local communities.
• Encourage sustainable local development initiatives.
• Provide opportunities for local businesses to flourish.
• Pay appropriate Taxes and social contributions to support economies in which you operate.


• Train staff on best practices to protect your business from attacks and misuse of data.
• Implement systems and technology such as anti-virus and firewalls to protect your digital assets.
• Abide by all applicable data protection laws & regulations.


Ensuring adherence to the stipulated principles is imperative, and as part of our commitment to transparency and accountability, audits may be conducted. Suppliers are expected to actively cooperate throughout the audit process.

In the event of non-compliance following the audit, corrective measures will be implemented to address the identified issues.

We retain the right to terminate business relationships in the event of persistent non-compliance.


We will review and update this policy periodically to reflect changing circumstances and emerging best practices.